Human Rights & Rights of Nature

Selected publications on the relationship between public health, human rights, and rights of nature.

They bring in issues of food insecurity, violence, rights of women, and deep respect for our more-than-human kin.

  1. Earth Rights for the Advancement of a Planetary Health Agenda

    C Correa-Salazar, I Marín-Carvajal, MA García, K Fox, MM Chilton. Health Education & Behavior, 2024.

  2. Sacred Nutrition: Asserting Indigenous Sovereignty and Rights of Women and Nature to Ensure the Right to Food in the United States

    MM Chilton. University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review, 2024

  3. Colonial Neglect and the Right to Health in Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria

    Joseph SR, Voyles C, Williams KD, Smith E, Chilton MM. American Journal of Public Health. 2020.

  4. The Rights of Nature and the Future of Public Health

    Chilton MM, Jones S. American Journal of Public Health. 2020.

  5. Transnational Violence against Asylum-Seeking Women and Children: Honduras and the United States-Mexico Border

    Alberto, C.* Chilton, MM. Human Rights Review. February 2019

  6. Unaccompanied Children at the United States Border, a Human Rights Crisis that can be Addressed with Policy Change

    Ataiants J,* Cohen C,* Riley AH,* Tellez Lieberman J,* Reidy MC,* Chilton, MM. Journal of Immigrant Minority Health. 2017.

  7. A rights-based approach to food insecurity in the United States

    Chilton, MM, Rose, D. American Journal of Public Health, 2009.


Food Insecurity & Trauma


Methods - Research & Programming